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In response to clients' interest in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) issues, Plia has developed a product that complements our existing efforts to help the investment management industry fully understand how their counterparties, vendors, and the surrounding ecosystems operate. This transparency and accountability have become increasingly important and there are limited standards and technologies to properly track and evaluate KPIs that can be integrated into decision processes. Furthermore, pliaESG is working to integrate the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) into the platform as a way to gauge corporate or group alignment.
The pliaESG platform was designed to make this process easy, scalable, and affordable.
We are forming an inaugural advisory / user group which will be limited to 60 active members of the investment community that will have full access to pliaESG at no cost until July 2022 (or later). Thereafter, global costs are expected to be minimal per year depending upon membership type and the use of other Plia products.
Inaugural advisory/user group caps:
Asset Managers - 15 licenses
Asset Owners - 15 licenses
Banks/Broker-Dealers - 15 licenses
Technology Vendors - 15 licenses
Fill in the form below to find out more and gain access to your trial: